I will learn about epilepsy...

About Epilepsy & Seizures

  • Epilepsy is one of the most common neurological disorders, with around 65 million people globally living with the condition. Alarmingly, neurological disorders are the world’s leading cause of disability and the world’s second leading cause of death.
  • Epilepsy is a medical condition that affects the brain and causes seizures, 1 in 10 Australians will experience a seizure in their lifetime.
  • A quarter of a million Australians live with epilepsy and 30% of them are unable to control seizures with medication.
  • Seizures occur due to a change in electrical activity in the brain
  • Signs of a seizure vary depending on where in the brain the electricity occurs.
  • Signs of a seizure can include a blank stare, unusual movements, muscle spasms or convulsions.
  • 280 Australians are diagnosed with epilepsy each week. An epilepsy diagnoses is made when a person has multiple, or reoccurring seizures.
  • There are more than 40 different types of seizures
  • Most seizures will last between a few seconds to a few minutes
  • A prolonged seizure over 5 minutes is a medical emergency. Call 000

How your fundraising will make an impact

You are helping Epilepsy Queensland to bring support and hope to people impacted by epilepsy.  Your support will…

  • aid individuals to live well through education for people with epilepsy, their family, and carers.

  • deliver industry training and information services that will break down barriers to employment and education for people living with epilepsy.

  • create a Queensland that is aware of epilepsy and its impacts on daily life, a Queensland that is seizure smart, who can recognise the signs of a seizure and who respond to seizures with appropriate first aid.

  • help Epilepsy Queensland to openly share knowledge, advocate to those who can influence change and partner with industry leading research and medical institutes to further the advances of epilepsy care in Queensland.

Thank you for sharing our hope for more than 30,000 Queenslanders living with epilepsy is a life that is lived well with epilepsy until the day a cure can be found.

Thank you for sharing our hope for more than 30,000 Queenslanders living with epilepsy is a life that is lived well with epilepsy until the day a cure can be found.

To learn more about epilepsy and Epilepsy Queensland please click through to our site where Members may access information, resources, training, support, research and more.

Read moving stories shared by our members about their journeys with epilepsy and how your donation can make an impact...